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Flag of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization representing 57 member states that are predominantly Muslim. The OIC has its own distinctive flag, which symbolizes the unity, solidarity, and shared values of the Muslim world.

Flag of the OIC Facts

Fact Description
Design A rectangular flag with a green background and a white inscription
Green Color Represents Islam, growth, and fertility
Inscription The Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith, written in Arabic script
Flag Dimensions The official OIC flag has a ratio of 2:3, where the length is 1.5 times the height
First Use The OIC flag was officially adopted in 1981 during the third Islamic Summit in Saudi Arabia
Flag Protocol The OIC flag is displayed during official OIC events, conferences, and meetings

Design and Symbolism

The OIC flag features a green background, which is a significant color in Islamic culture. Green represents Islam, growth, fertility, and the natural world. It symbolizes harmony, renewal, and the enduring principles of the faith.

The inscription on the OIC flag is the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith, written in Arabic script. The Shahada states, “There is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” It is the fundamental creed of Islam and represents the unity and oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad.

The green background and the Shahada inscription on the OIC flag symbolize the unity, solidarity, and shared values of the Muslim world. The flag serves as a visual reminder of the organization’s mission to promote cooperation, coordination, and collaboration among member states for the betterment of the Muslim community.


The OIC flag holds great significance as it represents the unity, solidarity, and shared values of the Muslim world. It serves as a symbol of identity, faith, and the aspirations of the member states of the OIC.

The green color on the flag represents Islam and reflects the importance of Islamic principles in the lives of Muslims. It signifies growth, fertility, and the connection with the natural world. The green background also symbolizes hope, harmony, and renewal.

The Shahada inscription on the OIC flag represents the core belief of Muslims in the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad. It reflects the unity of the Muslim world and serves as a reminder of the fundamental principles that bind the OIC member states together.

The flag serves as a symbol of pride and solidarity for the Muslim community. It is displayed during official OIC events, conferences, and meetings, reminding member states of their collective responsibility to work towards the well-being, progress, and unity of the Muslim world.

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