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East African Community Flag

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising six member states in East Africa. As a symbol of unity and integration, the East African Community has a distinctive flag that represents the organization’s mission, values, and member countries.  significance.

East African Community Flag Facts


Fact Description
Design A rectangular flag with a blue background and a centered East African Community emblem
Blue Color Represents peace, stability, and the sky that covers the East African region
Emblem The East African Community emblem features three intertwined, multi-colored arcs and the letter “EAC”
Multi-colored Arcs Symbolize the diverse cultures, people, and landscapes of the East African Community
Flag Dimensions The official East African Community flag has a ratio of 3:2, where the length is 1.5 times the height
First Use The East African Community flag was officially adopted on November 30, 2006, during the EAC Summit
Flag Protocol The East African Community flag is displayed during official EAC events, conferences, and meetings


Design and Symbolism

The EAC flag features a blue background, symbolizing peace, stability, and the sky that covers the East African region. It represents the commitment of the member states to fostering peace, harmony, and cooperation within the East African Community.

At the center of the flag is the EAC emblem, which consists of three intertwined, multi-colored arcs forming a circle. The multi-colored arcs symbolize the diverse cultures, people, and landscapes of the East African Community. They represent the unity in diversity, cooperation, and integration among the member countries.

The letter “EAC” in the emblem represents the East African Community, signifying the collective identity and shared aspirations of the member states. It represents the organization’s commitment to economic development, social progress, and regional integration.


The EAC flag holds significant symbolism as it represents the unity, integration, and shared values among its member countries. It serves as a visual reminder of the organization’s mission to promote economic growth, social progress, and regional cooperation within East Africa.

The blue background of the flag symbolizes peace and stability in the region. It reflects the commitment of the member states to maintain a peaceful environment conducive to economic development and cooperation.

The intertwined, multi-colored arcs in the emblem symbolize the diversity and unity within the East African Community. They represent the richness of cultures, traditions, and landscapes present in the region. The arcs signify the harmonious coexistence, cooperation, and mutual respect among the member countries.

The East African Community emblem represents the collective identity and shared aspirations of the member states. It signifies the commitment to work together towards common goals, such as economic integration, social progress, and regional development. The letter “EAC” reflects the organization’s mission to enhance cooperation, deepen integration, and improve the well-being of the East African people.

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