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Azerbaijan Flag

About Flag of Azerbaijan

The three identical horizontal stripes of the Azerbaijani national flag are blue, red, and green.

The Azerbaijani flag has an eight-pointed star and a white crescent moon in the middle of the red coloured band.The star’s eight points stand for the eight branches of Turkic culture. The blue stripe represents the Turks, whilst the green represents Islam and the red represents development.

Historical Evolution of the Azerbaijani Flag

The Azerbaijani flag has a long and storied history. The earliest known flag dates back to the 9th century, during the reign of the Shirvanshahs dynasty. Over time, the flag evolved, with different variations used during different historical periods. The modern design of the Azerbaijani flag was officially adopted on February 5, 1991.

Facts about Azerbaijan flag

Country Azerbaijan
Designed by Ali bey Huseynzade
Adopted Nov 9, 1918
Revision 1920-1921, 1930s-1936, 1937-1940, 1940-1952, 1952-1991
Design and Colors A horizontal tricolor of blue, red, and green, with a white crescent and an eight-pointed star centered on a red band
Size Ratio 1:2
Official Name: Republic of Azerbaijan
Proportion: 1:2
Adopted on: November 9, 1918
Location: At the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, bounded by the Caspian Sea, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran
Capital City: Baku
Major Cities: Babek, Astara, Ordubad, Tartar
Area: 33,436 square miles
Population: 9,165,000
Currency: Manat (AZN)
Language: Azerbaijani
National Anthem: March of Azerbaijan
National symbol(s): flames of fire
National colors: blue, red, green
National anthem:
Name: “Azerbaijan Marsi” (March of Azerbaijan)
Lyrics/music: Ahmed JAVAD/Uzeyir HAJIBEYOV

Design and Colors of the Flag

The Azerbaijani flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is blue, the middle stripe is red, and the bottom stripe is green. A white crescent and an eight-pointed star are centered on the red stripe. The flag’s design is simple yet visually striking, with a ratio of 1:2 (width to length).

Symbolism and Meaning

The colors and symbols on the Azerbaijani flag hold deep symbolism. The blue color represents Turkic heritage, the red symbolizes progress and development, and the green signifies the Islamic cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. The white crescent and star are traditional Turkic symbols and represent the Turkic heritage and unity of the Azerbaijani people.

Flag Etiquette and Usage

The Azerbaijani flag is highly respected and protected by specific flag etiquette guidelines. It is raised on public buildings, private residences, and official events. The flag should be treated with reverence and should not be used for disrespectful purposes or inappropriately altered. It is a symbol of national pride and unity.

The Azerbaijani Flag and National Identity

The Azerbaijani flag plays a significant role in shaping the national identity of the country. It represents the cultural heritage, values, and aspirations of the Azerbaijani people. The flag fosters a sense of unity and pride, symbolizing the country’s commitment to progress, development, and the preservation of its rich cultural heritage.

Celebrating National Flag Day

Azerbaijan celebrates National Flag Day on November 9th each year. This day commemorates the official adoption of the Azerbaijani flag and serves as an occasion to honor the flag’s symbolism, historical significance, and its role in the country’s national identity. Various ceremonies, parades, and cultural events take place across Azerbaijan to celebrate this important day.

International Recognition and Influence

The Azerbaijani flag is recognized worldwide as a symbol of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage, unity, and progress. It represents the country in diplomatic missions, international conferences, and sporting events. The flag’s unique design and vibrant colors contribute to Azerbaijan’s global visibility and serve as a representation of its distinct identity and aspirations.


The flag of Azerbaijan, with its blue, red, and green stripes, adorned with a white crescent and star, is a powerful symbol that embodies the cultural heritage, unity, and progress of the Azerbaijani people. It represents the country’s commitment to preserving its rich heritage while striving for development and prosperity. The Azerbaijani flag stands as a visual representation of national pride, unity, and the aspirations of the Azerbaijani nation.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What do the colors on the Azerbaijani flag represent?

The blue color represents Turkic heritage, the red symbolizes progress and development, and the green signifies the Islamic cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.

2. What do the crescent and star on the flag represent?

The white crescent and eight-pointed star represent the Turkic heritage and unity of the Azerbaijani people.

3. When is National Flag Day celebrated in Azerbaijan?

National Flag Day is celebrated on November 9th in Azerbaijan to commemorate the official adoption of the Azerbaijani flag.

4. How is the Azerbaijani flag used and respected?

The Azerbaijani flag is raised on public buildings, private residences, and official events to display national pride and unity. It should be treated with respect and not be used for disrespectful purposes.

5. What is the significance of the flag in shaping national identity?

The Azerbaijani flag serves as a symbol of cultural heritage, values, and aspirations, fostering a sense of unity and pride among the Azerbaijani people.