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Cape Verde Flag


The current Cape Verde flag has a horizontal white stripe running across the middle of a blue background. A narrow horizontal red stripe may be seen in the center of the white stripe. There is a circle of 10 yellow five-point stars towards the left of the white stripe.

The 10 golden stars on Cape Verde’s national flag stand in for the ten islands that make up this enormous nation, while the flag’s blue color represents the Atlantic Ocean. A representation of economic advancement is the red stripe that runs across the white horizontal patch. White is a symbol of peace. In 1992, the present Cape Verdean flag was formally raised.

Facts about the Cape Verde flag

Country Cape Verde
Designed by NA
Adopted September 22, 1992
Revision 1975, 1992
Design and Colors The 10 stars on the flag represent the main islands of the nation (a chain of islands off the coast of West Africa). The blue represents the ocean and the sky. The band of white and red represents the road toward the construction of the nation, and the colors stand for peace (white) and effort (red). The yellow color, circular formation of the stars, and dark blue field
Size Ratio 2:3 (de facto)
Official Name: Republic of Cape Verde
Proportion: 3:5
Adopted on: September 22, 1992
Location: Western Africa
Capital City: Praia
Major Cities: Maio Barlavento, Sao Salvador do Mundo, Catarina do Fogo
Area: 1,557 square miles
Population: 567,000
Currency: Cape Verdean escudo (CVE)
Official Language: Portuguese
National Anthem: Song of Freedom
National symbol(s): ten, five-pointed, yellow stars
National colors: blue, white, red, yellow
National anthem:
Name: “Cantico da Liberdade” (Song of Freedom)
Lyrics/Music: Amilcar Spencer LOPES/Adalberto Higino Tavares SILVA

Historical Background

The current design of the Cape Verdean flag was officially adopted on September 22, 1992. Before this, Cape Verde had used different variations of flags during its colonial past and early years of independence. The desire for a unique and meaningful national flag grew stronger as Cape Verde sought to assert its independent identity and heritage.

Design and Colors

The Cape Verdean flag consists of three horizontal bands of equal width. From top to bottom, the colors are blue, white, and red. In the center of the white band, there is a circle of ten yellow stars arranged in a circular pattern.

Symbolism of the Cape Verdean Flag

Each element of the Cape Verdean flag holds significant symbolism. The blue color represents the sky and the vast Atlantic Ocean that surrounds the archipelago of Cape Verde. It also symbolizes the aspiration of the Cape Verdean people for a better future and the hope for prosperity.

The white color represents peace and the purity of the Cape Verdean spirit. The red color symbolizes the effort and determination of the people, as well as the progress and vitality of the nation. The ten yellow stars represent the ten main islands of Cape Verde and their unity as one nation.

Cape Verdean Independence Day

Cape Verdean Independence Day is celebrated on July 5th each year, commemorating the day in 1975 when Cape Verde gained independence from Portuguese colonial rule. This day is marked by various celebrations, parades, and flag-raising ceremonies, showcasing the importance of the Cape Verdean flag as a symbol of independence and national identity.


Q1: When was the current design of the Cape Verdean flag adopted?

The current design of the Cape Verdean flag was officially adopted on September 22, 1992.

Q2: What do the colors on the Cape Verdean flag represent?

The blue color represents the sky and the Atlantic Ocean, symbolizing the aspiration for a better future and hope for prosperity. The white color represents peace and the purity of the Cape Verdean spirit. The red color symbolizes the effort and determination of the people, as well as the progress and vitality of the nation. The ten yellow stars represent the ten main islands of Cape Verde and their unity as one nation.

Q3: What is Cape Verdean Independence Day?

Cape Verdean Independence Day is celebrated on July 5th each year,

Q4: How many islands makeup Cape Verde?

Cape Verde is an archipelago consisting of ten main islands and several smaller islets, each contributing to the country’s cultural diversity and geographical beauty.