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Commonwealth Flag

The Commonwealth serves as a platform for interaction between nations with various cultural origins. It serves as a forum for global collaboration on issues like democracy, freedom, human rights, and commerce. It is a voluntary alliance of 53 independent states, not a political union.

Facts about Commonwealth flag

Official Name: The Commonwealth of Nations
Flag Proportion: 1:2
Adopted on: March 26, 1976
Headquarters: Marlborough House, London, United Kingdom
Area (Member Nations): 12,147,768 square miles
Population(Member Nations): 2,100,000,000
Official Language: English
National symbol(s): lion (Britain in general); lion, Tudor rose, oak (England); lion, unicorn, thistle (Scotland); dragon, daffodil, leek (Wales); shamrock, flax (Northern Ireland)
National colors: yellow, blue, red
National anthem:
Name: “God Save the Queen”
Lyrics/Music: Unknown


The Commonwealth flag features a blue background with the Commonwealth logo in gold. The globe at the center of the logo symbolizes the Commonwealth’s international reach. A “C” for “Commonwealth” is formed by 61 radiating spears that ring the globe. The different elements of Commonwealth collaboration are symbolized by the radiating spears rather than the number of participating nations. The symbol does not have a set size or color.