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Eurasian Union Flag

The Eurasian Union is an economic and political union comprised of five member states, including Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia. As a symbol of unity and cooperation, the Eurasian Union has a distinctive flag that represents the organization’s mission, values, and member countries.

Eurasian Union Flag Facts

Fact Description
Design A rectangular flag with a dark blue background and the Eurasian Union emblem in the center
Emblem The Eurasian Union emblem features a circular wreath with 10 golden stars and a map of member countries
Dark Blue Color Represents stability, unity, and the aspirations of the member countries within the Eurasian region
Golden Stars Symbolize the unity, cooperation, and common goals among the member states of the Eurasian Union
Map of Countries Represents the geographic area covered by the Eurasian Union and the unity of its member countries
Flag Dimensions The official Eurasian Union flag has a ratio of 1:2, where the length is twice the height
First Use The Eurasian Union flag was officially adopted on January 1, 2015, with the establishment of the union


Design and Symbolism

The Eurasian Union flag features a dark blue background, symbolizing stability, unity, and the aspirations of the member countries within the Eurasian region. It signifies the commitment of the member states to strengthen economic integration, political cooperation, and cultural ties.

At the center of the flag is the Eurasian Union emblem, which consists of a circular wreath with 10 golden stars and a map depicting the member countries. The golden stars symbolize the unity, cooperation, and common goals among the member states of the Eurasian Union. They represent the collective aspirations for peace, prosperity, and development within the region.

The map of member countries in the emblem represents the geographic area covered by the Eurasian Union and the unity of its member countries. It symbolizes the shared history, culture, and economic ties that bind the Eurasian nations together. The map reflects the common interests, challenges, and opportunities faced by the member states.


The Eurasian Union flag holds significant symbolism as it represents the unity, cooperation, and common goals among its member countries. It serves as a visual reminder of the organization’s mission to promote economic integration, political cooperation, and cultural exchange within the Eurasian region.

The dark blue background of the flag signifies stability and unity among the member states. It represents the commitment to fostering an environment of trust, cooperation, and mutual understanding.

The golden stars in the emblem symbolize the unity and shared aspirations of the member countries. They signify the collective efforts towards building a prosperous and harmonious Eurasian community.

The map of member countries reflects the geographic area covered by the Eurasian Union. It symbolizes the interconnectedness and shared interests among the member states, as well as the commitment to regional integration and cooperation.

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