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Flag of the African Union

The African Union (AU) is a continental organization comprising 55 member states in Africa. As a symbol of African unity, the African Union has a distinctive flag that represents the organization’s mission, values, and member countries. In this article, we will explore the flag of the African Union, its design, symbolism, and significance.

African Union Flag Facts

Fact Description
Design A rectangular flag with a green background and a golden, centered African map in the center
Green Color Represents hope, fertility, and the natural resources of the African continent
Golden Map Symbolizes the bright future and prosperity of Africa, as well as the unity and solidarity among member states
Flag Dimensions The official African Union flag has a ratio of 2:3, where the length is 1.5 times the height
First Use The African Union flag was officially adopted on July 31, 2002, during the launch of the organization
Flag Protocol The African Union flag is displayed during official AU events, conferences, and meetings

Design and Symbolism

The African Union flag features a green background, symbolizing hope, fertility, and the natural resources of the African continent. It represents Africa’s rich biodiversity, lush landscapes, and the potential for sustainable development and growth.

At the center of the flag is a golden, centered African map. The golden color symbolizes the bright future and prosperity of Africa, as well as the unity and solidarity among member states. It represents the shared aspirations, achievements, and potential of the African continent.

The African map in the emblem signifies the geographical unity and collective identity of Africa. It represents the African continent as a whole, emphasizing the importance of pan-Africanism and cooperation among member states. The map symbolizes the common challenges, history, and heritage that unite the people of Africa.


The African Union flag holds significant symbolism as it represents the unity, progress, and aspirations of Africa and its people. It serves as a visual reminder of the organization’s mission to promote peace, stability, and socio-economic development across the continent.

The green background of the flag signifies the hope, growth, and natural resources of Africa. It reflects the continent’s commitment to sustainable development, environmental conservation, and harnessing its resources for the betterment of its people.

The golden map symbolizes the bright future and prosperity of Africa. It represents the collective efforts of member states in achieving economic growth, social progress, and political stability. The golden color signifies the potential and resilience of the African continent.

The African map in the emblem represents the unity and collective identity of Africa. It symbolizes the shared history, heritage, and values of the member states. The map signifies the commitment to pan-Africanism, continental integration, and the pursuit of common goals for the benefit of Africa and its people.

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