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Flag of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is an intergovernmental military alliance comprising seven member states from the Eurasian region. The CSTO has its own distinctive flag that represents the collective security, cooperation, and shared values among its member countries.

CSTO Flag Facts

Fact Description
Design A rectangular flag with a blue background and the CSTO emblem in the center
Emblem The CSTO emblem features a golden eagle with outspread wings and a shield with seven stars
Blue Color Represents stability, peace, and the importance of collective security
Golden Eagle Symbolizes power, vigilance, and the commitment to defend the member states’ interests
Shield Represents protection, security, and the collective defense among the member countries
Seven Stars Represent the seven member states of the CSTO
Flag Dimensions The official CSTO flag has a ratio of 1:2, where the length is twice the height
First Use The CSTO flag was officially adopted on February 7, 2003, during the establishment of the organization
Flag Protocol The CSTO flag is displayed during official CSTO events, military exercises, and headquarters


Design and Symbolism

The CSTO flag features a blue background, which represents stability, peace, and the importance of collective security. It signifies the commitment of the member states to maintain stability, protect their shared interests, and ensure the security of the region.

At the center of the flag is the CSTO emblem, which consists of a golden eagle with outspread wings and a shield adorned with seven stars. The golden eagle symbolizes power, vigilance, and the commitment to defend the member states’ interests. It represents the collective strength and resolve of the CSTO in safeguarding the security of its member countries.

The shield on the emblem represents protection, security, and the collective defense among the member countries. It signifies the commitment of the CSTO nations to support and defend one another, as well as their shared responsibility in maintaining regional peace and stability.

The seven stars on the shield represent the seven member states of the CSTO. They symbolize the unity, cooperation, and shared objectives of the member countries in addressing common security challenges and threats.


The CSTO flag holds significant symbolism as it represents the collective security, cooperation, and shared values among its member countries. It serves as a visual reminder of the organization’s mission to ensure the stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of its member states.

The blue background of the flag reflects the importance of collective security and the commitment to peace and stability in the Eurasian region. It signifies the significance of maintaining a secure environment for the member countries to thrive and develop.

The golden eagle on the emblem symbolizes the strength, vigilance, and determination of the CSTO. It represents the organization’s commitment to protect the interests and security of its member states, as well as its readiness to respond to common security challenges.

The shield represents the collective defense and mutual support among the member countries. It signifies the commitment of the CSTO nations to come to each other’s aid and protect one another in the face of threats to their security.

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